To date, we have collected baseline data for the Zambia Clean Cooking Study (ZCCS), which examines determinants of adoption and the impact of use of two different improved cookstoves in Lusaka, Zambia. The data were collected in 2019 as the first wave of a 2-wave impact evaluation. A structured household questionnaire was conducted with each survey household with the following modules: household roster; cook status, health, and time use; facilities; assets; savings and credit; cooking practices; short recall cooking; willingness to pay; best worst scaling; household energy expenditures; household other expenditures; awareness of clean cooking firms; perceptions; social capital; fuelwood weighing; and cognitive function. Baseline reports summarizing our initial findings are available under Publications & Outputs. We will return to these households when possible to collect endline data.
Only the household survey data are available by request at this time through the CPC Data Portal. If you would like to request access to the GPS locations of the survey households, further security measures will be required. To request the data, you will be required to fill out a data request form and a data use agreement. Once you have been approved, you will be able to access the data through UNC’s Dataverse.
The following files will be available:
- Raw, de-identified data
- Stata do file to show data cleaning process
- Clean, de-identified data
- Summary statistics in Excel
- Household questionnaire
Before requesting the data, please visit the “Projects Underway” page to learn more about analysis that is ongoing with this dataset.