The University of North Carolina, Copperbelt University and the Center for Energy, Environment and Engineering (CEEEZ) are undertaking an impact evaluation of two, private sector-led, clean cooking interventions on adoption and sustained use of clean cooking technologies, charcoal use, household expenditures on cooking energy, exposure to household air pollution, and self-reported indicators of health. Two firms are piloting clean cooking products in Lusaka with plans to scale up to tens of thousands of customers in the next 1-5 years. Baseline data were collected in July/August 2019 and two adoption and promotion assessments were collected via telephone survey in April 2020 and December 2020. A summary of findings from the first two rounds of data collection are available on the Publications and Outputs page.
Supamoto is marketing the Mimi Moto fan microgasification cookstove (red stove pictured right) and biomass pellets to households in Lusaka, Zambia. Vitalite is marketing efficient charcoal stoves, called the EcoZoom (blue stove pictured below), to households in Lusaka.
Click here for the survey instrument used for baseline data collection.